Recent Letters to the Editor by Deborah Vollmer

Return MPT to Comcast Cable (The Gazetts, June 24, 2009) on the removal Channel 22 from the basic cable channel line-up. "We live in Maryland, and there is programming pertaining to Maryland that is only covered by MPT. Who will suffer? Elementary, middle school and high school students in low-income families who are learning about government in their classrooms. And senior citizens and others on fixed incomes, and folks whose investments have declined in the current recession."

The missing candidates (The Washington Post, October 18, 2008; P. A13 ). "Nowhere in the article on Rep. Chris Van Hollen's national activities was there any mention of the campaign in his own district, other than a brief reference to his Republican opponent, Steve Hudson. There are other candidates running in this race, including a Green Party candidate, a Libertarian Party candidate and two write-in candidates, myself included. To be sure, Van Hollen is going to win in November, but Democrats who feel that he has abandoned his base by voting for the bailout bills, offshore drilling and continued funding for the Iraq war can feel secure in voting for one of the alternatives."

Vollmer keeps it going (The Montgomery Sentinel, March 6-12, 2008, p. 5) on her decision to run as a write-in candidate.

Why we protesters occupied Van Hollen’s office for hours (The Hill, March 22, 2007) on Von Hollen's decision "to side with the Democratic Party leadership, and against the wishes of the majority of his constituents on" the issue of war funding.

Vollmer: ‘Let everyone vote on paper’ (The Weekend Gazette, Sept. 29, 2006)
on the need for paper ballots in Maryland elections. "I don’t claim to have been deprived an election victory due to this breakdown, but some of the other candidates certainly are in such a position."

Take your pick: Absentee ballots or purple thumbs? (The Examiner, Sept. 26, 2006) on the need for paper ballots in Maryland elections. "As a voter, I feel more confident that my vote will be counted if I can vote on paper for the general election. For this reason, I voted absentee in the primary."

Media should report more local congressional votes - (The Examiner, April 13, 2006). "
As a Maryland voter, I was curious to know how my own representative in Congress, Chris Van Hollen, voted on the $68 billion to continue military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of a supplemental emergency appropriation bill."

Media should inform public how representatives voted on war - (The Gazette, April 12, 2006). "I did subsequently learn that Rep. Van Hollen voted for the appropriation to continue funding for the Iraq war. But I learned this from a source on the Internet, with no help from the Washington Post! Nor do I recall seeing this story in The Gazette, for that matter..."

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