Van Hollen should have voted No on the "unequivocal support and appreciation of the Nation" of President Bush as Commander-in-Chief "for his firm leadership and decisive action in the conduct of military operations in Iraq as part of the on-going Global War on Terrorism."
Trash the trash policy - (Montgomery Gazette, Sep 30 2003) The county's plan to remove trash bins and end trash collection in our urban parks, including but not limited to the Elm Street Park and Lynbrook Park, appears to me to be very short-sighted ("Trash policy irks some," Sept. 10).
Bush wrong to wage war on Iraq. The Montgomery Journal published Deborah's letter on September 16, 2002 (pg. A6).
Letter To The Editor
The Montgomery Journal. Friday, May 31, 2002 (pg.A6)
The online cite is: The Montgomery
Subject: For underdog, poll results good news
I was interested to read the article about the polls conducted by
each of
my three opponents in the Democratic primary for the 8th Congressional
District seat (Poll results differ widely, Journal, May 29).
Of course, as a candidate who during this phase of the campaign is
spending just a little of my own money, and doing no fund-raising, I do
not have the money to hire pollsters or other consultants.
I, nonetheless, find the results of the surveys conducted by the
other candidates to be somewhat
The big news, it seems to me, is not that Mark K. Shriver is ahead,
to the three polls cited. The big news is that in two of the three
polls conducted, the largest category of voters was the "undecideds."
I suspect many of these "undecideds" are folks who voted for me
when I ran in the 8th District primary in 1998-- and again in 2000. I
also suspect that many of these same folks are grappling with the
question of whether, in this day and age of big money campaigning, a
candidate running a low-budget,
grass-roots, issue-oriented campaign can indeed be a viable candidate.
In the coming months, I will continue to take my message to the
streets -- knocking on doors, going to events and leafletting Metro
stops. I am not discouraged by the polls' results, only motivated to
work harder.
Of course, the poll that really matters is not any one of the
polls dreamed up and executed by expensive consultants. Only one "poll"
really counts: the primary election on September 10.
Chevy Chase
Editor's note: The author is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the 8th Congressional District.
Lettor to the Editor
The Hill Wednesday, May 29, 2002 (pg. 17)
The online cite is:
The Hill
Subject:Vollmer says she focuses on grassroots organization
To the Editor:
As one of the subjects of your May 15 article about perennial
candidates (“Perennial candidates see ‘victories’ in defeats”), I would
like to clarify two points.
First, the statement that I am “not campaigning as often” as my
opponents is wrong. It would be more accurate to say that I am
campaigning with a goal in mind that is different from that of my
opponents. My focus is grassroots organizing aimed at frequent
one-on-one contact with voters, with an emphasis on discussion of the
issues — rather than raising money.
Second, the fact that the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee (DCCC)has not listed me on its website is not “a sign of” my
“political inconsequence.” Rather, it is a sign of the DCCC’s obsessive
and unhealthy preoccupation with the almighty dollar.
While other political websites, including, but not limited to,
Capitol Advantage, Families U.S.A., and, do have me
listed as a Democratic candidate for the 8th Congressional District,
the DCCC refuses to list my name, because I have not yet filed with the
Federal Election Commission [FEC]. Since I am not fundraising, but only
spending a little of my own money during this phase of the campaign, I
am not obligated to file with the FEC.
But I was the very first Democrat in this race to file in our state
capital to get my name on the ballot! The other organizations that list
me on their websites recognize my filing to get my name on the ballot
as a sufficient indication that I am a serious congressional candidate.
Many of my supporters, and I myself, have contributed to the DCCC.
By refusing to list me on its website as a candidate, the DCCC has lost
my respect. I will not be contributing to the DCCC this year.
This whole episode highlights one of the messages of my campaign
for Congress. We need to establish a system of public financing of
congressional campaigns (“Clean Money”), as well as rules requiring the
media to provide candidates with free and low-cost airtime! Only when
we have such reforms will it be possible for people who are neither
independently wealthy nor connected to political “fat cats” to run for
Congress, and win!
Deborah A. Vollmer
Democratic Candidate for Congress
District 8, Maryland
Lettor to the Editor
Weekend Gazette Friday, May 17, 2002 (pg. A-8)
The online site is:
Letters to the Editor
Subject: Money talks in political campaigns.
To the Editor:
The description in the May 10th Reporters' Notebook ("A touch too quixotic") of my disagreement with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee over its refusal to list me on its website as one of the Democratic candidates for the 8th Congressional District, fails to include some significant facts.
Several other political websites list me as one of the Democratic
candidates in this race, and provide links to my Web site
( These sites include Families, U.S.A., Capitol
Advantage, and a local site, Each of these sites took my
filing in Annapolis as sufficient indication that I am a serious
Congressional candidate.
The DCCC's refusal to list candidates who have filed to get on
the ballot but not filed with the FEC is symptomatic of an obsessive
and unhealthy preoccupation with the almighty dollar. This whole
highlights one of the messages of my campaign for Congress. We need to
establish a system of public financing of Congressional campaigns
("clean money"), as well as rules requiring the media to provide
candidates free and low-cost air time.
Only when we have such reforms will it be possible for people
who are neither independently wealthy nor connected to political "fat
cats" to run for Congress, and win!
Deborah A. Vollmer, Chevy Chase
The writer is a Democratic candidate for Congress from District 8
Letter to the Editor
Montgomery Democrat, April, 2002, p.A6.
A Step Toward Universal Health Care
The movie "John Q" (about a desperate father, who holds a
staff and patients hostage to force the decision-makers to give a
life-saving heart transplant to his dying son) may be fiction, but
there is a sad
underlying reality. When it comes to health care, those who are
uninsured, or underinsured are out of luck.
House Concurrent Resolution 99, which is sponsored by U.S.
Representative John Conyers and other members of the Congressional
Universal Health Care Task Force, should be passed without delay.
Democratic Candidate for
Congress (Md., Dist. 8)
Letter to the Editor
Montgomery Journal, Tuesday, April 2, 2002, p.A6.
Candidate: Pass 'living wage' bill
A "living wage" is good for working families, good for
business and good for the economy as a whole.
Parents who are paid a living wage can provide for their
needs, and the needs of their children. These
parents can afford to provide their children with needed material
goods. Just as important, since a living
wage gives parents the opportunity to work fewer hours, it allows
parents to give children that most
precious of resources: their time.
The living wage is good for business, because workers who are
paid adequately for their work tend
to be satisfied employees who are highly motivated, healthier than
low-wage employees and more
productive than low-wage employees. Well-paid employees tend to have
good attendance records, and
this is good for business.
Our economy benefits when workers are well paid, because
well-paid workers spend some of their
earnings on goods and services, and this creates a cycle of increased
spending that stimulates the
creation of more jobs to provide these goods and services.
As a candidate for Congress (Democrat, 8th District), I
support a significant increase of the national
minimum wage, to a level approaching what we would consider a living
wage. But the reality is that the
cost of living in Montgomery County is much higher than it is in many
other parts of the country.
While a substantial increase of the national minimum wage
certainly would help workers here, it unfortuntely is not likely to
come about, with our current Congress.
Furthermore, because of differences in the cost of living in
different parts of the country, fairness
requires that workers in Montgomery County be provided a wage that is
higher than the national minimum wage.
Chevy Chase
Letter to the Editor
Weekend Gazette, Friday, March 22, 2002
(It also appears on the Gazette website)
Focus on issues in election coverage
I found the article ("Shriver poll shows huge lead in
primary," March 15) about candidate Mark Shriver's poll, and candidate
Christopher Van Hollen's reaction to it, to be most informative.
It is interesting for a candidate considered to be a
long-shot to watch two considered to be front-runners slug it out, each
doing damage to the other, and potentially doing damage to the
Democratic Party. Of course, in any hotly contested campaign, a certain
amount of this is to be expected.
My question for The Gazette is this: When are you going to
begin serious coverage of the differences
among the candidates with regard to issues and policy?
Deborah A. Vollmer, Chevy Chase
(Editor's note: The writer, an attorney, is a Democratic
candidate for Congress in Montgomery County's District 8.)
Letter to the Editor
Montgomery Journal, Wednesday, February 20, 2002
When trails and rails collide
Harry Sanders, in his letter of Sunday, February 17 "Trails
Rails can be compatible" misses the point.
It is not a question of
whether, in the abstract, trails and rails can be compatible. It is a
question of whether a particular existing hiker biker trail amidst a
canopy of trees-- a trail which is widely used by the public, and which
in reality constitutes a linear park-- can survive as the environmental
and recreational resource that it is, if it shares its very narrow
with a rail line, which inevitably would have to be double-tracked.
It is clear to me that the answer is no.
While it is true that the site was once home to a rail line,
which a coal train ran infrequently, this was a single- track line. As
a child who grew up in those days, I remember this.
I also rememberthat the Bethesda-Chevy Chase area had far less
commercial development
at that time than it does now. The residents of the Bethesda-Chevy
Chase area need this linear park for recreation, and our overstressed
down-county environment needs it.
Because the Georgetown Branch is a
part of the Capital Crescent Trail, it is also a resource for the
greater Washington area, and for the nation. The Georgetown Branch
and linear park is a treasure to be preserved.
The transportation needs are real, of course. An east-west
transportation link, in the form of a deeply tunneled underground Metro
link would be most welcome. If such a link must be put along the
Georgetown Branch, it should be heavy rail, linked to Metro, and
As a candidate for Congress, I support increased funding to
Metro system, to make such projects possible. We should consider the
added expense of underground tunnelling to be a wise investment in the
future, for preserving our neighborhoods, parks, and greenspace.
Deborah A. Vollmer
Chevy Chase
Too much focus
on fund-raising
As the local Congressional campaign intensifies, the news
media and the
public will continue to focus on the fund-raising efforts of the
candidates. The media will pay the most attention to the
candidates who raise the most money, as reflected in filings with the
Federal Election Commission. Those candidates who have raised the most
money will be perceived by the media as the most viable. News coverage
focusing on these perceived frontrunners will in turn shape the views
the public, as to which of the candidates is viable.
All of this is unfortunate, because the candidates should be judged
on their qualifications - including education, experience, creativity,
ideas on issues and policy, as well as the ability to motivate voters
grass-roots organizing.
Fundraising prowess has no real relationship to one's ability to
perform one's job as a member of Congress.
Furthermore, the influx of big money into the fund-raising process
corrupts our system of government. While not all lawmakers succumb to
the corrupting influence of big money, even the most conscientious
them must fight the appearance of impropriety.
We desperately need a new system of financing campaigns -- public
financing, also known as "clean money elections." We also need new
rules requiring the media to give free and low-cost advertising time to
In Congress, U.S. Representative John Tierney, D-Mass., has
proposed legislation for the public financing of campaigns. Congress
should adopt this bill but it probably won't. Incumbents are
all too happy with the system the way it is.
The challenge for newspapers such as The Journal will be to
the temptation to focus only on the fund-raising prowess of the
candidates, and to take a serious look at the qualifications of each
candidate, including their education, experience, and ideas for change.
Deborah A. Vollmer
Chevy Chase
Editor's Note: Deborah A. Vollmer is a candidate for the
Democratic nomination to represent Maryland's 8th Congressional
A similar letter was published in The Gazette on
February 1, 2002.
Letter To The Editor at the Montgomery Gazette:
Published August 24, 2001.
"I have been following with interest the Gazette's coverage
of the
various politically motivated plans to change the borders of Maryland's
Eighth Congressional District. Let me take this opportunity to offer my
thoughts on the matter. In fairness to any of your readers who may not
already be aware, I am not a disinterested party. I am one of the
Democratic candidates for the Eighth Congressional District seat.
It appears that some Democratic leaders have been pushing for
redistricting plan to split Montgomery County in such a way as to give
Congressional seat to Delegate Mark Shriver, and another to State
Chris Van Hollen. Apparently no thought has been given by these power
brokers to the possibility that the voters might in fact prefer one of
other candidates. And gerrymandering the districts to deprive an
with many years of service of her power base hardly seems to be fair.
general election should be won or lost on debates about issues and
legislative record. (Yes, I am prepared to engage in a contest with
Morella on this basis.)
Gerrymandered districts stretching north and west and east
into other
counties is a bad idea. In sparsely populated areas of the country,
sprawling districts may be necessary. But Montgomery County is densely
populated, and the Congressional districts should be compact. The
with a sprawling district is that the candidates and ultimately the
officeholder must spend a lot of time traveling from one end of the
to the other. This means less time in actual contact with constituents,
that is bad for democracy.
I realize that Montgomery County has too high a population to
be neatly
fit into a single Congressional district. It does not fit into a single
district now. Takoma Park and parts of Silver Spring are currently in
Fourth Congressional District. I would suggest that the lines of the
Congressional District remain roughly the same as they are now, with
possible annexation of Silver Spring and Takoma Park. If the county
fit entirely within the Eighth Congressional District, we should try to
most of it in this district. Residents of Montgomery County have many
interests in common, and this should be reflected in the County's
representation in Congress."
Deborah A. Vollmer
Democratic Candidate for Congress
(Md.-Dist. 8)
Deborah had two items published in July, 2001 that focused on
issues important to Montgomery County residents. Here are the issues
she was able to bring before the public:
First, a letter from Deborah to the Editor of the Montgomery
Journal appeared in the Wednesday (July 18, 2001) edition.
Click here to read her letter:Montgomery Journal
Next, an article by Deborah about health care was published
July, 2001 in The Montgomery Democrat.
The article is Universal Health Care: The Time Has Come!
To read the article, go to the Health Care
section of this web site.
The following letter was published in the Letters to the Editor section of The Gazette on Friday, May 11, 2001, on page A-15. The letter appeared only in the newspaper's print edition.
The discussion of the 8th Congressional District race in the article on
redistricting ("Redistricting is Annapolis' main event," April 27)
focuses on two candidates in the Democratic primary: Mark Shriver
and Chris Van Hollen.
While either of these men would certainly be well qualified for the job,
it should not be assumed that one of them will necessarily be the
Democratic nominee for the 8th District or that both of them will
be nominated if redistricting splits Montgomery County into two
congressional districts.
My concern is that the very nature of the coverage given by
newspapers and other media of an election contest can itself shape
the results of the election. With that in mind, I
hope that you will be fair in your future coverage of the
Democratic primary in the 8th District race and cover the campaigns
of all the candidates. The Democratic nominee should be chosen
by informed voters, not by party leaders and campaign fat cats.
Your newspaper can perform a valuable service to the voters by
providing fair and accurate coverage of the candidates' qualifications,
campaign activities and positions on issues.
Deborah A. Vollmer, Chevy Chase
The writer, an attorney, is a Democratic
candidate for Congress in Montgomery
County's District 8
Deborah wrote a letter about the use and/or misuse of franking
privileges during political campaigns by political incumbents. Two
local newspapers published the letter. Printed below is a copy of the
letter along with the web site locations it can be found on the
Terry Lierman was right to question whether U.S. Rep.
Constance A. Morella, R-8th District,
used the franking privilege to advance her political position at
taxpayer expense ("Return Morella
mailer to sender," letters, Aug. 17). Franked newsletters may properly
be used to keep
constituents informed with reference to the member's job performance,
but it is improper to use
such a mailing as a campaign piece in an upcoming election. Mr. Lierman
claims that Rep. Morella
misrepresented the truth in an item in the newsletter, and that she
crossed the line between
informing (legal) and campaigning (illegal).
There is a larger issue here than whether Rep. Morella went
over the line in one particular instance.
The franking privilege makes it possible for members of Congress to
communicate with
constituents using the U.S. mail, at taxpayer expense. Franked
newsletters serve the valuable
purpose of keeping us informed about the activities of our
representatives. Such newsletters are to
be used by the representative to provide information, but not to
campaign for re-election.
The problem is that, in practice, it is difficult to separate
the two functions. It is only natural that a
member of Congress will use the franked newsletter to promote a
positive image. Inevitably, such
newsletters will have an effect on an upcoming election, giving the
incumbent the edge.
This will be so no matter how scrupulously the member tries to
maintain the distinction and avoid
turning the newsletter into a campaign piece.
I suggest we recognize this inevitable effect on elections of
franked constituent newsletters, but not
lose sight of the legitimate purpose the newsletters serve. To some
extent, this effect already has
been recognized; by law, members are not permitted to send such franked
newsletters on the eve
of an election. But further reform is needed.
Congress should enact legislation providing that for each
franked newsletter a member is allowed
to send between the primary and the general election, the candidate
nominated by the party (or
parties) not in power be allowed to send a similar mailer at taxpayer
expense. This is really an
incremental approach to the public financing of congressional campaigns
- a cause I fully support.
Chevy Chase
(Editor's note: Ms. Vollmer sought the Democratic nomination for Maryland's 8th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.)
The letter was published in print and online August 23, 2000
in the Montgomery
It was also published online August 23, 2000 in The
The print edition of The Gazette published the letter in
their August 25th issue.