Today the Gazette published an article about Deborah's campaign. In it, they said ..."she almost can be considered the conscience of the congressional campaign, pursuing a pure progressive agenda that her opponents, addicted to campaign cash and beholden to one special interest or another, simply cannot." Click here to read Dark horse Vollmer plays her own game in District8
August 27, 2002
The Washington Post had an excellent article about
and her political goals in their Tuesday, August 27, 2002 issue! Click
here to read the
Run For Congress A No-Frills Bid To Be Heard"
September 1, 2001:
Deborah A. Vollmer, one of the four Democrats running for the 8th Congressional District race in the upcoming 2002 election, spent a busy week campaigning at the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee tent at the Montgomery County Fair. Vollmer, who is the one announced candidate in the Democratic primary who has not made a point of raising hundreds of thousands of dollars, has chosen instead to use her time to meet the County's voters. Vollmer attended the Fair, which ran from August 10 through August 18, on most days, campaining for several hours each day. She was there during the afternoon and evening on each of six days. On Saturday, August 18, the last day of the Fair, Vollmer campaigned at the Democratic Party tent from a little past noon until quarter of ten at night, shaking hands and passing out campaign literature. Vollmer found it to be a somewhat exhausting, yet exhilirating experience. The long hours were tiring, and her efforts were sometimes stifled by the weather (rain and heat), but Vollmer found that all in all, patience and persistence paid off.
Of the other Democratic candidates, only Ira Shapiro put in significant time at the Fair. He campaigned at the Democratic tent for a few hours in the evening on each of several days. On the other hand, the two candidates most widely perceived to be the frontrunners in the race, barely appeared at the Fair at all. According to one volunteer at the tent, Mark Shriver put in about half an hour during one of the evenings, having come and gone during one of Vollmer's meal breaks, and Chris Van Hollen made two separate very brief appearances of about half an hour each.
Vollmer was amazed that the two Democratic candidates most widely perceived as frontrunners in the race all but ignored what she found to be a wonderful opportunity to meet with the voters.
For further information, contact Deborah A. Vollmer at: or at (301) 652-5762.
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